Thursday, September 23, 2010

Revelations After 15 Months

It just so happens that the 2pm bus from Bobo to Ouaga is full up. This means I'll be taking the first bus tommorow morning. The Bobo office has cleared out. I was left with a package of real coffee, and a French press. Needless to say I'm in the mood to write.

Let us talk for a moment about Islam. Or rather, let me write, and you can read. I don't consider myself an expert on this topic. However, I do believe that my experiences overseas are of value to those who would otherwise remain in the dark regarding one of the most hotly debated topics of our generation. I would like to start by saying: Dear Americans, if you are not Muslim, or have studied the Muslim faith, then you know very little about the topic and should not speak your mind regarding it. Before you even open your mouth, do some research, and listen to those who are more informed than you. But wait, thats not good enough either. Listen to many, many people and sources who know more than you, and then ask questions. Be scholarly. This way you can avoid people who would provide you with divisive misinformation, and come to your own conclusions. There is positively nothing wrong with admitting you are clueless on a topic, and opening your mind.

For those who feel they learned everything they need to know about Islam on 9/11, I beg of you. Please. Go and do some reading. Check out a local Muslim cultural center. Speak with American Muslims in your area, they are your neighbors. You are bad for all of us until you are more informed.

Now I'm not saying that every Muslim should automatically be considered a great person. There are shitheads of every race and denomination. I've certainly met liars and theives in Burkina Faso. Some are Muslim. Others identify themselves as Christian, and/or Animist. All of these people are a minority, and usually not well respected among their neighbors. However, I am constantly moved by the hospitality of the people in this country. I lived in a town that is about 80% Muslim. I was consistently welcomed in to people's homes, and offered a great amount, despite what little they had. People are curious about Americans. When we are able to exchange our cultures, we realize that our values are more similar than different. It hurts me greatly when I hear ignorant, outspoken bigots pass judgement on a group based on the actions of very, very few. It upsets me even more when this is done in the name of patriotism. Unfortunately, our media tends to encourage this type of behavior.

The two articles below are covering the same address from one man. This man is an American, and a Muslim. While the CNN article illustrates the Imam's call for a stronger voice for moderate Muslims, the Fox News article perpetuates a divisive argument with a loaded headline. The fact is, the cultural center, part of which is a mosque, is NOT on hallowed ground. It is however, very near the site of an American tragedy. The Fox News article twists the man's words to make him sound as if he doesn't believe that the former site of the WTC is in some way sacred. This is an obvious attempt by the Muslim-fearing (read, bigoted) right-wing media to smear a man who just wants to see a little more solidarity among his fellow Americans. The real point here is that our media is way off target when it comes to covering what matters, and doing so in a responsible manner.

Well, this particular missive sort of came out of the blue, and I'm sure that some people will disagree with what I've said. Thanks for reading anyhow, and please comment!


  1. You are a yogi, whether you know it or not. Bless you, my son...XO

  2. Well said Evan, well said.
    You are your parent's child and we love you for it.

  3. Ah, the ever-dapper Evan Ballpark Johnson. Bon vivant. Dangerous man. Found your blog and absolutely love it. Well done. Thanks for the med unit visits. Kathy

  4. I like how your burkina blog picture is of the only water in burkina... a bit misleading wouldn't you say??

    but what I MEAN to say is ... D'ACCORD. & well written.
