Mosque in Yako:
So how are things going? I haven't written much on my new site, as I haven't had much time. I'll start by saying that I absolutely adore my new site, and I believe that there was in fact a silver lining to this whole evacuation business. For starters, my new house is spectacular. Here's a short video tour of the place:
We celebrated Thanksgiving here last month. About 12 of us got together for the holiday. Using a large metal pot, some bricks, and charcoal, I managed to fashion an oven. We used this to bake a 14lb turkey, and 2 apple pies. We of course had all the other accoutrements that the availability of ingredients would allow: Mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, and cranberry sauce from the can. I tried out a new recipe from Saveur Magazine as well, curried creamed onions. They were a hit and were very easy to make. We all ate far too much, drank a bit too much wine, and fell asleep on my porch. It was a nearly perfect Thanksgiving, except for the stark absence of football.
I have a site mate in Yako as well. This worked out rather well as we are good friends. He is a volunteer at the high school, and has been a lot of help getting my computer lab set up at my primary school.
Oh yea, I should mention. I have a computer lab at one of my primary schools. It's the first time I've seen computers at a primary school, and will be a great opportunity for a girls club. As a matter of fact, our first meeting is in 2 days. I spoke with the director of my school and had her select 10 of her most successful CM2 (6th grade) girls. We've got 5 computers and that is all that I think I can handle at the moment. This club will promote the girls' interest in science, math, and technology, as well as give them an early introduction to computers.
Aside from this I've been working with the mother's association at another school. We have been throwing ideas back and forth as to how to earn some money for the school. The school lacks a nice latrine, and a water pump. They currently have a well. They also lost several hundred kilos of beans to infestation. Kids who are fed have more incentive to come to school, and are able to pay better attention. We decided that we would start by making and selling liquid soap. Our first batch was 14L and sold within a day. This next round we'll be making around 70L. Word has spread quickly that our group makes good quality soap.
So things are rather busy at the moment, and hopefully will become more so as I continue my service. I'd like to host a full out girls camp or conference with exceptional girls from throughout the region.
I'll probably stay put for Christmas, and throw a party for volunteers on New Year's eve. Thanks for reading, hope you are enjoying the snow.